Sunday, December 7, 2008


It means LIFE in Hindi. It looks like:

What does it mean to me?

It means that there is a need for breath and a desire to explore.

It means that the sun always rises and sets just for me, and that is why I must awake the same with an eager smile and close my eyes at night with the hope for yet another tomorrow.

It means I have been given the chance to make this world exactly what I want it. I can set goals that, at times, feel unreachable... but those are the goals that are the most rewarding and make the most difference.

It means that twists and turns and bumps should be expected, and maybe even be invited to dinner.

It means that there are simple changes happening everyday, and it is my responsibility to take the time to notice. My body is slowly realizing its own potential and beginning to ask my brain to rely on it some more.

It means clouds and lavender and chocolate chip ice cream and tire swings and laughter and howling at the moon and love and sweat and holidays and high-5s and memories and tambourines and bicycles and wrinkles around the eyes and baby giggles and late-night phone calls and shooting stars and innocence and hugs and so much more in every single second of it.

It means I am doing precisely what I should be.


Anonymous said...

Reading this actually made me smile, and it also made me realize that I need to stop and smell the roses every once in awhile before they wilt away. Thanks for bringing back all kinds of wonderful memories that I had forgotten.

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