Wednesday, August 6, 2008

The Indescribables

It's so hard to try to describe the indescribable. Those feelings that have never been given a name because so few of the world's population have actually encountered them. Most of these feelings have been emotional, as well as you might imagine... but some, however, are not. Here is an attempted list of feelings as noted by my legs (transcribed by me):
--Tingling that is localized to one area that doesn't go away when stretched or manipulated
--Radiating tingling like a wave of energy transmitting upwards or downwards
--Deep pressure sort of reminiscent of having to pee, but not necessary in the placement of one's bladder
--Heaviness that extends the length of entire extremities
--Pretend warmth that makes me second guess wearing pants or turning the fan on low (which is the newest of the bunch)

Having all of these new feelings that I have never been exposed to before, as well as being tongue-tied for a proper description can leave me feeling fairly hopeless that they will ever be put to great use... but I will rest easy knowing that these feelings exist, that they are out there, whether they be easy to share or not. Just because I cannot put verbal recognition on them doesn't mean that they are any less worthy of praise. In fact, they may be more.

I am proud to feel all of those indescribables. It is like I hold a portion of the universe's secret inside of me, never fully willing to surface. Shhhh! Some things are just better left unsaid, or so says someone famous. I bet that guy never really had those feelings or else he wouldn't have come up with some catchy quote to describe it all.

For lack of words, just trust me.


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