Tuesday, July 8, 2008

If You Hold It Too Long You Might Turn Blue

I'm off to bed, feeling quite confident that it is the best way to spend an almost 10 hour headache. But before I do, here is a quick recap of the day:

Today was a fairly long day spent in the other hospital, receiving my procedure. It wasn't very bad, it was just the same ol' being tolerant in a hospital routine. The procedure itself only lasted a half hour or so, but afterwards I was to lie on my back completely flat for the next 6.

I knew this was coming (sort of) so we prepared ourselves with a bunch of books, movies, crossword puzzles (thanks to Carolyn!)... but I didn't want any of it. I used up my whole day lying in a bed looking at the ceiling, trying to avoid the onset of a seizure due to the strange flickering lights and humming fan as my Polaroid of the day.

p.s. Our internet doesn't work at the other clinic, so don't expect any live correspondence.

Sar and I returned to the Green Park Clinic around dinner time, grateful to be back "home."

Because this procedure was my first of my treatment, everyone is holding their breaths to see what may happen...


Anonymous said...

Hang in there Ryan! Joe said he talked to you today. Isn't technology great! He said it was really great to hear your voice. I look forward to your daily updates.
Sylvie says "Hi" too! She's back for re-eval this week.
Take care!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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