Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Thank Goodness For A Competitive Spirit

Every once in awhile I am reminded that I am a Leo: strong, stubborn, and widely competitive. Sarah says that I am a secret Leo minus the whole competitive thing. This is totally true.

The art of competition is something that I have always been good at. I developed a knack for it early on trying on several hundred swim races for size at my neighborhood pool. Over the years I have had many competitors in the water, but forever the biggest, baddest competitor that I have come across is myself.

I am just beginning to realize that it has been myself all along. Not those snotty, elitist high school opponents nor those friends that you don't truly think as friends but keep around for some unknown reason. Competition and my drive for it absolutely begin and end with me.

Here in India I cannot seem to turn around without my reflection staring back at me ready to challenge my inner and outer capacities. What are you lookin' at? At Physio I clench the parallel bars devotedly with my palms, tense up my already tense shoulders, try to feeeeeeel all the way down to my toes... but what I really focus on is the me staring back in the full-length mirror. Try harder! Push those hips out! What, you aren't strong enough to do that on your own?! I could do much better. And I prove the opposing me wrong with great pride on the majority of days. This competitiveness serves me quite well.

I have also enlisted a new best friend in my bouquet. Michael is a patient here as well with a similar injury in terms of function. I realized today that he is a wonderful catalyst for my competitive enzyme (and the first wheeler that I've ever been swimming with). I am constantly aware of his daily progress and compare it with mine. Are you going to let him show you up? In fact, today there was a pretty serious bet that took place over the finest of shower chairs in all of Delhi, in which I am currently the proud owner of (thanks to Amanda, of course). The bet was a race in which took place at our local pool: who could swim the length of the pool in IM fashion the fastest, Micheal or myself. Naturally I was a bit worried. Michael's got a bit more function, as well as a bit more testosterone to propel him through the water. Sure enough, he did it... twice. He beat the stinkin' caliper pants off of me! Are you going to let that happen?

Sure I am. It wasn't the fact that Michael won, in fact, it wasn't the fact that anyone won. (Or the fact that I will just be showering in his room from now on). Bringing that aspect of competition back to my underwater life is crucial. Crucial for me to improve and progress. I am going to continue to work hard and build upon the strength that I already have. I am prepared to fall, because I will be there to catch myself and make me try again. I will be a warrior and there will be a warrior staring back at me.


Kanako said...

This Ry is why you are so flippin amazing! Love you!

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...


j said...

Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take rank with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the grey twilight that knows not victory nor defeat. -T. Roosevelt

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